As a Game Production Intern on the Riot Forge team at Riot, I mainly worked on helping support the Beta 2 Milestone Goals for The Mageseeker : A League of Legends Story to stay on track to release.
Generated and provided feedback on internal game production roadmaps
Assisted with production and gameplay needs to drive games towards Beta 2 milestones

Game Production Intern
05/2022 - 08/2022
Jira, Google Suite
**Unable to display work due to my NDAs​​
Game Production
Heading Towards Beta 2

My main projects during my time on the Riot Forge Team was working as a Game Production Intern helping out on The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story. I would facilitate meetings and track development goals on top of other tasks to ensure the game met its Beta 2 goals. Outside of The Mageseeker, I also provided production and QA support for Song of Nunu and Bandle Tale.
Generated and provided feedback on internal game production roadmaps
Assisted with production and gameplay needs to drive games towards milestones
Created gameplay narrative and playthrough documentation for unannounced Riot Forge Title
Triaged Bugs in Jira to ensure progression towards important game milestones